The second report of Journalists Against Corruption (Yemen Jack) and WJWC about corruption in Yemen in 2008
Table (1), depending on the extent of corruption.
Table (1 - a) the extent of corruption in the Aden refinery:
The amount of the type of offense
Aden Refinery 70200000000 takeover of public money
47464935711 exchange unduly
684944974, bid rigging
1360896912 overrun in expenses
440883645530 manipulation in the collection of taxes and public entitlements
6200000000 aside special funds and accounts
90000000000 disbursements is justified
68600000000 spare accounts
Total 725,394,423,127.00
Table 1 - b, corruption in the Ministry of Health.
The amount of the type of offense
Health 359 310 480 exchange unlawfully
12,617,816,544.0 circumvent auctions and public tenders
316,375,846.0 takeover of public money
340,000,000.0 not rationalize spending
Total 13,633,502,870.00
Table 1 - c, the extent of corruption in the General Organization for Water and Sanitation
The amount of the type of offense
General Establishment for Water and Sanitation 4,084,380,000 exchange unduly
2,445,085,000 Tenders
950 million collection of receivables
Total 7,479,465,000
Table 1 - d: the extent of corruption in agriculture
The amount of the type of offense
Agriculture 1,800,000,000 acquisition and appropriation of public funds
5 million project stalled because of neglect and mismanagement
5 million acquisition of money
Total 1,810,000,000
Table 1 - e / extent of corruption in tax
The amount of the type of offense
150,000,000,000 avoid tax accounts
432,000,000,000 manipulation in the collection of receivables
240 million acquisition of public money
Total 582,240,000,000
Table 1 - and: the extent of corruption in electricity:
The amount of the type of offense
15806000000 manipulation of electricity in the collection of receivables
140,000,000,000 extravagance and not rationalize spending
70.7 million in the manipulation of tenders and auctions
45,988,500 acquisition of public money
Total 155,922,688,500
Table 1 - g: the extent of corruption in technical education
The amount of the type of offense
Technical education projects find 2,977,245,485
3,706,760,602 manipulation of tenders
Total 6,684,006,087
Table 1 - h: the extent of corruption in higher education:
The amount of the type of offense
Higher Education set aside 21 million accounts
Total 21,000,000
Table 1 - i: the extent of corruption in education and education:
The amount of the type of offense
Education 1,700,000,000 extravagance and not rationalize spending
740.962 spare accounts
Total 1,700,000,000
Table 1 - j: the extent of corruption in the media:
The amount of the type of offense
Information 480 million luxury and non-rationalization of spending
Total 480 000 000
Table 1 - as: the extent of corruption in the sport:
The amount of the type of offense
Sport 1 million acquisition of public money
Total 1,000,000
Table 1 - for: the extent of corruption in the industry:
The amount of the type of offense
Industry 8.8 million acquisition of public money
Total 8.8 million
Table 1 - M: the size of corruption in the judiciary:
The amount of the type of offense
Elimination 5,080,000,000 grab of public money
Total 5,080,000,000
Table 1 - n: the size of corruption in the election:
The amount of the type of offense
751.810 elections exchange unlawfully
17 million acquisition of public money
Total 17,751,810
Table 1 - P: the extent of corruption in endowments:
The amount of the type of offense
Endowments 750 million acquisition of public money
Total 750 000 000
Table 1: - the extent of corruption in Clean:
The amount of the type of offense
Cleaning Fund 302 264 000 manipulation of tenders
Total 302 264 000
Table 1 - S: the extent of corruption in the localities:
The amount of the type of offense
Sweeteners 11,168,000,000 seizure of public money
4 million disbursements is justified
Manipulated 28 million in the collection of receivables
30 million to circumvent the bidding
9.909 million non-performing projects
3,967,892 neglect and the failure of projects
Total 11,243,876,892
Table 1 - GS: Corruption in others:
The amount of the type of offense
Another 327 million to circumvent the bidding
42,228,867,000 projects stalled because of neglect and mismanagement
4,984,169,000 acquisition of aid and loans
46 million exchange unduly
Total 47,586,036,000
Total corruption published in the Yemeni press, as the perpetrators of corruption:
The proportion of the total corruption overtaking
Aden refinery 725,394,423,127 0.48 48%
Health 13,633,502,870 0.009 1%
General Establishment for Water and Sanitation 7,479,465,000 0.002 0%
Agriculture .0012 1,810,000,000 0%
Tax 582,240,000,000 0.34 34%
Electricity 155,922,688,500 0.104 10%
Technical Education .0044 6,684,006,087 0%
Higher Education 21,000,000 -1.4 -1.4
Education .0011 1,700,000,000 0%
Media 480 000 000 -3.899 -3.899
Sport 1 million -6.7 -6.7
Industry -5.91 -5.91 8.8 million *
Elimination 5,080,000,000 -2.03 -2.03
Election 17,751,810 -1.19 -1.19
Endowments 750 000 000 -5.04 -5.04
Cleaning Fund 302 264 000 -3.22 -3.22
Sweeteners 11,243,876,892 0.008 1%
Other 3% 47,584,124,000 0.03
Total 1,512,768,778,286
Table corruption by type
2 - a ((seizure of public money)).
Violation Type the amount of Notes
Takeover of public money Aden refinery 70,200,000,000
Health 316 375 846
General Establishment for Water and Sanitation 7,479,465,000
Agriculture 1,805,000,000
Taxes 240 000 000
Electricity 45,988,500
Sport 1 million
Industry, 8.8 million
Elimination 5,080,000,000
Elections, 17 million
Endowments 750 000 000
Sweeteners 11,168,000,000
Total 97,111,629,346
Table 2 - b: Corruption by cases of corruption relating to interference with the collection of receivables
Violation Type the amount of Notes
Cases of corruption relating to interference with the collection of receivables Aden refinery 440,883,645,530
Tax 432,000,000,000
Electricity 15,806,000,000
Sweeteners 28 million
Total 888,717,645,530
Table (2 - c): the exchange without the right
Violation Type the amount of Notes
Exchange without the right
Aden refinery 47,464,935,711
Health 359 310 480
General Establishment for Water and Sanitation 4,084,380,000
Elections, 751.810
Another 46 million
Total 51,955,378,001
Violation Type the amount of Notes
Tenders Aden Refinery 684 944 974
Health 12,617,816,544
Water 2,445,085,000
Electricity, 70.7 million
Technical Education 3,706,760,602
Cleaning Fund 302 264 000
Sweeteners 30 million
Other 327000000
Total 20,184,571,120
Table 4 - d): Corruption as the excess expenditure
Violation Type the amount of Notes
Expenses in excess of Aden refinery 1,360,896,912
Total 1,360,896,912
Table 2 - e: Corruption as special funds and accounts to spare
Violation Type the amount of Notes
By special funds and accounts to spare Aden refinery 74,800,000,000
Tax 150,000,000,000
Higher Education 21,000,000
Total 224,821,000,000
Disbursements is justified
Violation Type the amount of Notes
Disbursements is justified Aden refinery 90,000,000,000
Sweeteners 4 million
Total 90,004,000,000
Table 2 - f) corruption, the lack of rationalization of expenditure
Violation Type the amount of Notes
Extravagance and lack of rationalization of health spending 340 million
Electricity 140,000,000,000
Education 1,700,000,000
Media 480 000 000
Total 142,520,000,000
Find projects
Violation Type the amount of Notes
Find agriculture projects 5 million
Technical Education 2,977,245,485
Sweeteners 13,876,892
Other 42,228,867,000
Total 45,224,989,377
Loans and tax
Violation Type the amount of Notes
The acquisition of loans and other taxes 4,984,169,000
Total 4,984,169,000
Total corruption by type
Violation Type Amount Percentage Notes
Takeover 97,111,629,346
Collection of receivables 888,717,645,530
Exchange unduly 51,955,378,001
Tenders 20,184,571,120
Overrun in expenses 1,360,896,912
Spare accounts 224,821,000,000
Disbursements is justified 90,004,000,000
Rationalization of expenditure 142,520,000,000
Find projects 45,224,989,377
Loans and aid 4,984,169,000
Table (1), depending on the extent of corruption.
Table (1 - a) the extent of corruption in the Aden refinery:
The amount of the type of offense
Aden Refinery 70200000000 takeover of public money
47464935711 exchange unduly
684944974, bid rigging
1360896912 overrun in expenses
440883645530 manipulation in the collection of taxes and public entitlements
6200000000 aside special funds and accounts
90000000000 disbursements is justified
68600000000 spare accounts
Total 725,394,423,127.00
Table 1 - b, corruption in the Ministry of Health.
The amount of the type of offense
Health 359 310 480 exchange unlawfully
12,617,816,544.0 circumvent auctions and public tenders
316,375,846.0 takeover of public money
340,000,000.0 not rationalize spending
Total 13,633,502,870.00
Table 1 - c, the extent of corruption in the General Organization for Water and Sanitation
The amount of the type of offense
General Establishment for Water and Sanitation 4,084,380,000 exchange unduly
2,445,085,000 Tenders
950 million collection of receivables
Total 7,479,465,000
Table 1 - d: the extent of corruption in agriculture
The amount of the type of offense
Agriculture 1,800,000,000 acquisition and appropriation of public funds
5 million project stalled because of neglect and mismanagement
5 million acquisition of money
Total 1,810,000,000
Table 1 - e / extent of corruption in tax
The amount of the type of offense
150,000,000,000 avoid tax accounts
432,000,000,000 manipulation in the collection of receivables
240 million acquisition of public money
Total 582,240,000,000
Table 1 - and: the extent of corruption in electricity:
The amount of the type of offense
15806000000 manipulation of electricity in the collection of receivables
140,000,000,000 extravagance and not rationalize spending
70.7 million in the manipulation of tenders and auctions
45,988,500 acquisition of public money
Total 155,922,688,500
Table 1 - g: the extent of corruption in technical education
The amount of the type of offense
Technical education projects find 2,977,245,485
3,706,760,602 manipulation of tenders
Total 6,684,006,087
Table 1 - h: the extent of corruption in higher education:
The amount of the type of offense
Higher Education set aside 21 million accounts
Total 21,000,000
Table 1 - i: the extent of corruption in education and education:
The amount of the type of offense
Education 1,700,000,000 extravagance and not rationalize spending
740.962 spare accounts
Total 1,700,000,000
Table 1 - j: the extent of corruption in the media:
The amount of the type of offense
Information 480 million luxury and non-rationalization of spending
Total 480 000 000
Table 1 - as: the extent of corruption in the sport:
The amount of the type of offense
Sport 1 million acquisition of public money
Total 1,000,000
Table 1 - for: the extent of corruption in the industry:
The amount of the type of offense
Industry 8.8 million acquisition of public money
Total 8.8 million
Table 1 - M: the size of corruption in the judiciary:
The amount of the type of offense
Elimination 5,080,000,000 grab of public money
Total 5,080,000,000
Table 1 - n: the size of corruption in the election:
The amount of the type of offense
751.810 elections exchange unlawfully
17 million acquisition of public money
Total 17,751,810
Table 1 - P: the extent of corruption in endowments:
The amount of the type of offense
Endowments 750 million acquisition of public money
Total 750 000 000
Table 1: - the extent of corruption in Clean:
The amount of the type of offense
Cleaning Fund 302 264 000 manipulation of tenders
Total 302 264 000
Table 1 - S: the extent of corruption in the localities:
The amount of the type of offense
Sweeteners 11,168,000,000 seizure of public money
4 million disbursements is justified
Manipulated 28 million in the collection of receivables
30 million to circumvent the bidding
9.909 million non-performing projects
3,967,892 neglect and the failure of projects
Total 11,243,876,892
Table 1 - GS: Corruption in others:
The amount of the type of offense
Another 327 million to circumvent the bidding
42,228,867,000 projects stalled because of neglect and mismanagement
4,984,169,000 acquisition of aid and loans
46 million exchange unduly
Total 47,586,036,000
Total corruption published in the Yemeni press, as the perpetrators of corruption:
The proportion of the total corruption overtaking
Aden refinery 725,394,423,127 0.48 48%
Health 13,633,502,870 0.009 1%
General Establishment for Water and Sanitation 7,479,465,000 0.002 0%
Agriculture .0012 1,810,000,000 0%
Tax 582,240,000,000 0.34 34%
Electricity 155,922,688,500 0.104 10%
Technical Education .0044 6,684,006,087 0%
Higher Education 21,000,000 -1.4 -1.4
Education .0011 1,700,000,000 0%
Media 480 000 000 -3.899 -3.899
Sport 1 million -6.7 -6.7
Industry -5.91 -5.91 8.8 million *
Elimination 5,080,000,000 -2.03 -2.03
Election 17,751,810 -1.19 -1.19
Endowments 750 000 000 -5.04 -5.04
Cleaning Fund 302 264 000 -3.22 -3.22
Sweeteners 11,243,876,892 0.008 1%
Other 3% 47,584,124,000 0.03
Total 1,512,768,778,286
Table corruption by type
2 - a ((seizure of public money)).
Violation Type the amount of Notes
Takeover of public money Aden refinery 70,200,000,000
Health 316 375 846
General Establishment for Water and Sanitation 7,479,465,000
Agriculture 1,805,000,000
Taxes 240 000 000
Electricity 45,988,500
Sport 1 million
Industry, 8.8 million
Elimination 5,080,000,000
Elections, 17 million
Endowments 750 000 000
Sweeteners 11,168,000,000
Total 97,111,629,346
Table 2 - b: Corruption by cases of corruption relating to interference with the collection of receivables
Violation Type the amount of Notes
Cases of corruption relating to interference with the collection of receivables Aden refinery 440,883,645,530
Tax 432,000,000,000
Electricity 15,806,000,000
Sweeteners 28 million
Total 888,717,645,530
Table (2 - c): the exchange without the right
Violation Type the amount of Notes
Exchange without the right
Aden refinery 47,464,935,711
Health 359 310 480
General Establishment for Water and Sanitation 4,084,380,000
Elections, 751.810
Another 46 million
Total 51,955,378,001
Violation Type the amount of Notes
Tenders Aden Refinery 684 944 974
Health 12,617,816,544
Water 2,445,085,000
Electricity, 70.7 million
Technical Education 3,706,760,602
Cleaning Fund 302 264 000
Sweeteners 30 million
Other 327000000
Total 20,184,571,120
Table 4 - d): Corruption as the excess expenditure
Violation Type the amount of Notes
Expenses in excess of Aden refinery 1,360,896,912
Total 1,360,896,912
Table 2 - e: Corruption as special funds and accounts to spare
Violation Type the amount of Notes
By special funds and accounts to spare Aden refinery 74,800,000,000
Tax 150,000,000,000
Higher Education 21,000,000
Total 224,821,000,000
Disbursements is justified
Violation Type the amount of Notes
Disbursements is justified Aden refinery 90,000,000,000
Sweeteners 4 million
Total 90,004,000,000
Table 2 - f) corruption, the lack of rationalization of expenditure
Violation Type the amount of Notes
Extravagance and lack of rationalization of health spending 340 million
Electricity 140,000,000,000
Education 1,700,000,000
Media 480 000 000
Total 142,520,000,000
Find projects
Violation Type the amount of Notes
Find agriculture projects 5 million
Technical Education 2,977,245,485
Sweeteners 13,876,892
Other 42,228,867,000
Total 45,224,989,377
Loans and tax
Violation Type the amount of Notes
The acquisition of loans and other taxes 4,984,169,000
Total 4,984,169,000
Total corruption by type
Violation Type Amount Percentage Notes
Takeover 97,111,629,346
Collection of receivables 888,717,645,530
Exchange unduly 51,955,378,001
Tenders 20,184,571,120
Overrun in expenses 1,360,896,912
Spare accounts 224,821,000,000
Disbursements is justified 90,004,000,000
Rationalization of expenditure 142,520,000,000
Find projects 45,224,989,377
Loans and aid 4,984,169,000
Aden footage- discretion advised
Feb 25 Aden, more videos from Qutaiba Shihab.
Doctors attempt to save life of shot civilian
The father of the unarmed civilian youth shot in the head, Mohammed Mouneer, saying his good byes to his son in the hospital before his son is buried,
I try not to get emotional about this work, try to save lives ... but that video above was the first picture that made me cry. Mohammed Mouneer's father will never see grandchildren or whether Mohammed becomes an engineer, finish his studies. There is nothing that can justify a life so young cut so senselessly and poignantly short. Footage of causality, man in 30s shot in the head, hole in scull, possibly the deputy director of the electric company in Aden, died
Doctors trying to save another civilian shot in the head with bullet, scull damage, died Aden
Repost of Aden video of citizens trying to get an injured man bleeding on the street care and being shot at
More footage on Page 2 of blog
Doctors attempt to save life of shot civilian
The father of the unarmed civilian youth shot in the head, Mohammed Mouneer, saying his good byes to his son in the hospital before his son is buried,
I try not to get emotional about this work, try to save lives ... but that video above was the first picture that made me cry. Mohammed Mouneer's father will never see grandchildren or whether Mohammed becomes an engineer, finish his studies. There is nothing that can justify a life so young cut so senselessly and poignantly short. Footage of causality, man in 30s shot in the head, hole in scull, possibly the deputy director of the electric company in Aden, died
Doctors trying to save another civilian shot in the head with bullet, scull damage, died Aden
Repost of Aden video of citizens trying to get an injured man bleeding on the street care and being shot at
More footage on Page 2 of blog
Aden situation- ambulances blocked, Amnesty Intl
Ambulances are blocked and the humanitarian aid convoy from Taiz is blocked.
Yemen Times on the latest, plus one of our videos featured on Yemen Rights Monitor was used for photo on Yemen Times. According to Yemen Times, two people whose names are on the Feb25 death toll on this blog were shot in the head in their own homes.
Amnesty International said yesterday it had received reports that security forces in Aden refused to allow residents to take the injured to hospital after Central Security forces fired on anti-government protesters on Friday." -Yemen Times
Yemen Times on the latest, plus one of our videos featured on Yemen Rights Monitor was used for photo on Yemen Times. According to Yemen Times, two people whose names are on the Feb25 death toll on this blog were shot in the head in their own homes.
Amnesty International said yesterday it had received reports that security forces in Aden refused to allow residents to take the injured to hospital after Central Security forces fired on anti-government protesters on Friday." -Yemen Times
Aden videos of Feb25 massacre: caution, graphic
Here are some of the videos: It must be recorded to stop the violence and take those who caused this to court.
Ayman Al-Nageeb, one of those who were hit in Aden by the security forces. You see here medics trying to save his life . from Maala casualty
Aden protest turns deadly- march and killing¬if_t=group_activity#!/video/video.php?v=167530036629551&comments protest turns deadly
Kid younger than 10 shot, paramedics trying to save lives 25 feb aden
Protests continue as protestors being shot at 3 am
People trying to pick up dying person off street as they are being shot at
Trying to save a life of protestor -dead today Feb 26-
Ayman Al-Nageeb, one of those who were hit in Aden by the security forces. You see here medics trying to save his life . from Maala casualty
Aden protest turns deadly- march and killing¬if_t=group_activity#!/video/video.php?v=167530036629551&comments protest turns deadly
Kid younger than 10 shot, paramedics trying to save lives 25 feb aden
Protests continue as protestors being shot at 3 am
People trying to pick up dying person off street as they are being shot at
Trying to save a life of protestor -dead today Feb 26-
Madbakh, the Queen, at the Hague

Halima with Her Excellency Queen Elizabeth II of England (far bottom).
So Halima Saad, our executive director, and a colleague of ours went as delegate to the metropolis conference in the Netherlands. They gave a presentation on Madbakh Women, both the local initiative empowering visible minority immigrants in Toronto, and the hospital in Borama.

On the Metropolis Project:
The International Metropolis Project | ||
The International Metropolis Project is an international network of researchers, policy officials and NGOs sharing a common vision of enhancing migration and diversity policy by applying empirical social science research. It will help us to better understand the implication for immigrants and societies overall of processes of migration and integration. Annual ConferencesOur international conferences represent the largest annual gathering of experts in the fields of migration and diversity. In addition to a comprehensive study tour program, and just under 100 workshops, our plenary programme offers access to the thoughts, challenges, and prescriptions of some of the world’s key experts. |
madbakh women's intiative
Madbakh women's initiative is have a conference soon! Excited! Hague.

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