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Wednesday 16 March 2011

Protests March 16, Hodeidah, CS in war is prohibited under the terms of the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention,

Hodeidah protest

Al-Arabiyah March 17:

One person was killed and 200 wounded when Yemen security forces attacked protesters in the Red Sea city of Hudaida with live and rubber bullets, tear gas, clubs and daggers, a doctor who treated victims said.

The impoverished Arabian Peninsula state has been hit by weeks of protests against the 32-year rule of President Ali Abdullah Saleh. Both pro and anti-government factions appear to have increasingly resorted to violence in the struggle.

The violence erupted following a pro-government demonstration by supporters of the ruling General People's Congress (GPC) party.
A doctor treating protesters in Hudaida said hundreds of security forces and plainclothes police had attacked a sit-in.

"We received around 200 wounded, 10 were hit by gunfire and 40 suffered stab wounds. One died from his gunshot wounds after reaching the hospital," he said.
Use of CS in war is prohibited under the terms of the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention, 

Notes: This grenade, the bane of US military basic trainees and rioters alike, is a grenade containing CS irritant gas. It is similar to the M-18 colored smoke grenade, but is a hazardous weapon that burns very hot as it discharges its gas, often producing fire in combustible materials it lands on, and many buildings have been set on fire when this grenade was thrown into the building by police during hostage situations. An adapter exists to use this grenade as a rifle grenade. The M-7A3 actively produces a gas cloud for 12 phases (60 seconds). It was superseded by the non-flammable M-25A2, but hundreds of thousands exist in military and police arsenals.

Notes: This irritant gas grenade is based on perhaps the most severe form of irritant gas, known as DM, and also contains CN. DM (also known as Adamsite), is a far more powerful irritant than CS or even CN; it straddles the line between irritants and damaging chemical agents, as it can be toxic and even lethal with too long an exposure. The M-6A1 grenade’s cloud produces incapacitation unless the victim makes an Impossible: Constitution roll successfully; there is no panic roll, since the gas is instantly incapacitating without a successful Constitution roll. Incapacitation produces symptoms similar to irritant gas for the first minute; the next two minutes produce sneezing and coughing as well as irritant gas symptoms. These all increase in severity for another two minutes, and then severe headaches, sharp pain in the nose and chest, and nausea and violent vomiting join the symptoms. At this final stage, no further Constitution rolls are possible to allow the victim to continue or resume functioning, but an Easy: Constitution roll is required every further minute in the cloud to avoid taking one point of damage to the head and chest. Once removed from the cloud, incapacitation rolls at Difficult: Constitution must be made every ten minutes for the next 4 hours, or all the symptoms begin anew. Once one such roll is made, the victim will suffer no further incapacitating effects, though some minor symptoms may remain as long as 12 hours.


Notes: This grenade is similar to the much more common M-7A3 shown below, but uses CN instead of CS gas. CN is a much stronger, more concentrated form of tear gas, which produces quicker and more severe results. It is also an earlier form of tear gas, pre-dating CS by about a decade. Like the M-7A3, it can produce fires as it burns in a very hot manner. The same adapter which can project an M-7A3 grenade may also project an M-7A1 grenade; they are virtually identical in size and shape (except for the striker mechanism atop the grenade). Those who are in a CN gas cloud react in a similar manner to those in a standard irritant gas cloud, but the character must make a FOR: Constitution check to avoid being overcome by the gas. In addition, the initial panic roll is at -3. A victim who is overcome by CN continues to suffer the effects for 15 minutes instead of 10, and is probably vomiting as well as feeling the effects of burning skin, stinging, heavily watering eyes, and burning mucous membranes.
CN grenades like the M-7A1 are primarily used by the military, as they are much too powerful for use in riot control (CN can actually kill victims with compromised respiratory systems, such as those with asthma). It should be noted that the first sign a victim may have of CN gas is a brief burst of an apple blossom-type smell.

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